《台湾知名夜店 OMNI 荣登世界顶尖 Live Design Awards 大奖总决赛,需要您的一票》


继 iF 大奖之后,OMNI 于国际间再传捷报!素有“舞台艺术最高荣誉”的美国 Live Design Magazine Excellence Awards 大奖已进入最后投票阶段,OMNI 很荣幸入围准决赛,成为夜店项目中唯一仅存的两间参赛单位,与拉斯维加斯的知名夜店 OMNIA 共同角逐 2016 年全球夜店界的年度总冠军!

同时入围的也有 Adele、Taylor Swift、U2 演唱会,以及美式足球 NFL 中场休息演唱会…等驰名中外的演出设计。能与世界顶尖的超级大秀共同竞争,不仅说明了 OMNI 领先亚洲傲视全球的实力,更实现了立足台湾也能接轨世界的美好愿景。

现在,OMNI 需要您决定性的一票!投票方法如下:

1. 请至投票页面 http://bit.ly/LDAwards16
2. 将页面下拉至第 5 项 Venues (Club or Lounge)
3. 勾选 Omni Nightclub in Taipei
4. 再下拉至最底部按下 “DONE” 键,就完成投票了!


#‎击败世界 #‎跨出台湾 #‎OMNI #‎Taiwan #‎Taipei #‎PartyLikeNoOthers #‎BestClubExperience

投票网址 / Voting Page:http://bit.ly/LDAwards16

《OMNI Taipei Enters the Final Phase of Voting in the Prestigious Live Design Awards, We Need Your Vote!》

Your vote puts Taiwan on the world map of entertainment.

After winning the prestigious iF Awards, OMNI has yet again emerged in an international competition. The Live Design Excellence Awards that celebrates world’s best in show design has announced its annual finalists and OMNI nightclub in Taipei is one of the only two nightclubs made it to the list along with the famous OMNIA nightclub in Las Vegas, making it the only two contestants competing for the grand price in nightclub category.

Other notable contestants include Adele Live in New York, Taylor Swift 1989 Tour, U2 iNNOCENCE + eXPERIENCE 2015 Tour, and Super Bowl XLIX Halftime Show. Being able to compete with only the best in the world has not only proven that OMNI is doubtlessly a top player in the global entertainment business but also illustrates Taiwan’s true potential.

Now, OMNI needs your vote! Here’s how to vote:

1. Go to voting page http://bit.ly/LDAwards16
2. Scroll down to category “5. Venues (Club or Lounge)”
3. Click on the “Omni Nightclub in Taipei” checkbox
4. Scroll to the bottom and click “DONE” to complete the voting.

Voila! The voting is now completed! If everyone you know can partake in the vote, OMNI may very well emerge as the best entertainment experience in the world, thus putting Taiwan on the world map as the capital of nightlife entertainment worldwide! Your vote WILL make history!

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